Amanda De Luis

Amanda has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She trained in the USA in the field of documentary production and directing: Happy como su sol, Medical Marijuana, El sueño de Perú, The SF Mime Troupe. In 2005 she moves back to Barcelona and she starts working in development departments for production companies such as Alta Realitat or A Contraluz Films. In 2010 she was a participant at the19th ACE Training Year and joined the ACE Producers Network. She has been the executive producer of the television series Les Coses Grans (TVC) and the documentary When a Dream Comes True (La Diferencia), co-producer of La Estrella (A Contraluz Films), and associate producer of The Frost (Alta Realitat). She has worked as a cost controller. She has also written and directed short films and video clips. She has written and directed videos for raising public awareness and funding campaigns for NGOs in a number of countries.


Project: Iceberg