Alexander Knetig
Arte (DE)
Sabine Bubeck-Paaz
Bruno Smadja
Cross Video Days (FR)
Leena Pasanen
Independent Film Expert (FI)
Jörg Grossmann
Greenfilm (DE)
Matteo Moretti
Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano (IT)
Lena Thiele
Miiqo Studios UG (DE)
Sibylle Kurz
Pitching & Communications Skills (DE)
Mike Lerner
Roast Beef Productions (UK)
Fernanda Rossi
Writer (USA)
Jamie Balliu
Up Creative (UK)
Sebastian Baurmann
Miiqo Studios UG (DE)
Caroline Mutz
Stefano Tealdi
SteFilm International (IT)
Ove Rishøj Jensen
Paradiddle Pictures (DK)
Sarah Mosses
Together Films (UK)
Mark Atkin
Crossover (UK)