Chasing Gold in the Dark


"Chasing Gold in the Dark" is an immersive exploration into the realm of Lithuania's national goalball team, a symbol of persistence and triumph, having accumulated an astonishing 22 medals in the international competitions since 2000. The team, formed largely of completely blind athletes, each embodying a modern-day Tiresias, the blind prophet of ancient Greece. Despite their perpetual darkness, they echo Tiresias's gift of foresight, transforming perceived limitations into extraordinary strengths.
They navigate their sport in darkness, using their sharpened senses and intuition to predict the course of the ball and make their moves. This magnificent dance of instinct and skill creates an unexpected ballet for the spectators. Each game becomes a testament to their otherworldly awareness and their ability to convert the obstacle of blindness into an asset.


Participant: Andrius Lekavičius