Projects 2017

Sexuality is a powerful motor for personal growth, development of one's own personality and social relations, and as such must be discussed by society. Because, like everyone else, the disabled love, flirt, desire, love, get excited. They're people.

An intimate interactive journey where your memories of a personal object is linked to that special someone who created it on the other end of the production line.

Who decides if we will be born – both parents, or just the mother? Does it depend on biological conditions, spiritual forces, or perhaps – us personally?

Four diplomats, from four developing countries, campaigned to draft the Universal Declaration of Human rights.

A rebel feminist is suddenly a part of an unsaid code which peels layers of family structures around her.

A story of a child Julia from 9 months till 7years. Julia was born in prison and three women attempt to mother her. They all want what’s best for her, but their actions threaten to future of the girl.

The interactive story tells the uncovering of a high school or university election going wrong due to conspiracy and fraud.

Attention follows a primary school class for ten years. The class at Tana is small, but teeming with many distinct personalities, facing different challenges.

An animated short film, narrated by Syrian medical staff explaining daily challenges they are facing to treat war wounded patients.

Mina, the director of the film unveils a family secret about her grandmother's death. through a monologue with her grandmother, Mina shows the reality of domestic violence against women in Iran.

Kids Fight is a film about children who face recruitment by terrorist groups, drug abuse, poverty and fight their way out of predestined lives through Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in Pakistan.

As rates of femicide and domestic abuse soar in Turkey and democratic rights for women are increasingly eroded, a lawyer and her clients bravely risk everything for their freedom by standing up to the government and putting violent men behind bars.

A workshops in digital storytelling with Roma young people, run together with team of artists and researchers.

French sales company CAT&Docs has picked up international distribution rights to the Lithuanian-Italian feature documentary "I’ll Stand By You".