Antonio Grunfeld
Antonio Grunfeld is a director of social documentaries. His work as a documentalist has focused on creating works on social and environmental issues. He works with various NGOs, in countries like Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Morocco or Guatemala, always using the documentary as a tool for social change. His best-known documentaries are ""The Secret of the Forest"" (Equatorial Guinea / Spain, 2016) and ""Manoliño Nguema"" (Equatorial Guinea / Spain, 2019), both nationally and internationally awarded. With the NGO AGARESO, he has directed 3 documentaries: “El Derecho a un Techito” (Guatemala / Spain, 2016), “La Escuelita del Manchón” (Guatemala / Spain, 2019) and “Tras la Valla” (Morocco / Spain, 2020). . He has also coordinated the Social Communication and International Cooperation Seminar since 2017 and works as a technician in differents education and cooperation projects.
Project: The Infinite Battle