Ana Otasevic
Ana Otasevic is a director and producer specializing in documentaries focused on social, political, and cultural topics. She previously worked for the BBC World Service and served as a correspondent for international media in France. Eventually, she chose an independent path as a documentary filmmaker. Her short documentary, 'LE PAIN VOYOU' (2014), was broadcasted on the French TF2. Following this, her first feature documentary, 'NEDJO’S HOUSE' (2016), was featured in festivals in Serbia, France, and Greece. It was also broadcasted on French TV Public Sénat and Serbian RTS. In 2018, Ana founded the production company DARMAR FILMS, dedicated to producing films with a strong personal voice. She is also a contributor to the French monthly Le Monde Diplomatique. 'BEYOND THE BORDER' is her second feature documentary. The project has won 'Coup de pouce' award in Figra festival 2023.
Project: Beyond the border