Philipp Eyer
Already during my studies of Social and Visual Anthropology and Social Work Science at university of Fribourg and Berne (Switzerland) I was working aside as a social worker for different NGOs, mostly in the field of migration. After my studies a was working as a scientific researcher for the Swiss Refugee Council, conducting a study about eritrean and somali diaspora in switzerland. This led me to become a project manager for at the State Secretariat for Migration. After that I worked on different other researchproject.After some years of research I was a bit disappointed by the outreach of our work. So I decided to create my own media company. With our team we produce documentaryfilms and video- and online campaigns for NGOs and in the last years more and more also journalistic multimediaproject. Since one month I have a new parttime job at university of Berne (Geography &Sustainablity) where I have to set up a new MediaLab, wher we work with audiovisual methods in research&teaching.
Project brought to ESoDoc: The Wampis Nation