Mark Michel
Mark Michel is working as a Documentary filmmaker for ARTE, MDR, 3sat, ZDF and WDR and has worked as a radio author for the German Public Radio ‘Deutschalndradio Kultur’, ‘Deutschlandfunk’ and WDR. Before that he studied in Jena, Leipzig, Bath (UK ) and Toronto ( Canada ) Sociology and International Politics and Visual Communication at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.
Mark Michel is a member ‘Mediendienst Ost’ - a network of freelance TV- and Radio-Journalists in Leipzig. As an author and filmmaker he has worked in Cambodia, Bosnia-Herezgovina, Finland, Belarus, India, Switzerland, Hungary, Serbia, India and Thailand. He took part in the DOCUMENTARY CAMPUS MASTER SCHOOL 2012. With his short film VERONIKA he has won several prizes. As a documentary filmmaker he is specialised in social topics and human interest stories.
Project: Animal People - Back to the Future
“Animal People” is a about very special people that have been relegated to the world’s margins: the keepers of our planets livestock wealth. But, their life is threatened by our modern way of living - very soon we may regret this. Without them we are on the verge of loosing an invaluable treasure.