Taco Ruighaver
Movies That Matter (NL)
Taco Ruighaver is director of the Movies that Matter Foundation and head of programme of the Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague, The Netherlands. The Movies that Matter Festival is an international film- and debate festival on human rights and social justice, presenting main programmes on human rights defenders and on (international) law and justice. Movies that Matter uses film to encourage dialogue about human rights, to influence public opinion and to encourage active commitment to human rights and humanitarian issues. Besides its festival Movies that Matter presents a human rights programme at IDFA, educational programmes and monthly human rights film and debate programmes in a network of fifteen Dutch theatres. Movies that Matter supports human rights film screenings in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Taco worked for DocuZone, the Dutch project that started distributing documentary films digitally as a predecessor of CinemaNet Europe. He is one of the initiators of the Human Rights Film Network, the network of thirty human rights film festivals worldwide.
Taco is member of the board of the International Music Film Festival PLAY in Amsterdam and was member of the board of the CJP Foundation, the Dutch Euro < 26 organisation. For eight years he was editor of the Dutch Amnesty International magazine Frontaal.