Chris Lunch
Insightshare (UK)
Co-Founder and Co-Director of InsightShare, Chris studied Anthropology and Archaeology at Oxford University and has worked on international Participatory Video projects since 1999 starting in Central Asia and lately more in Africa. His work began with providing Nomads and farmers with the opportunity to put forward their ideas in a research and development context and empowering them to take local action.
He has developed PV tools that can be used to enable communities to document their knowledge, ideas and innovations, thereby building up self-confidence, trust in the group and providing them with new skills. The produced community films are used to open communication channels with other villagers, researchers and policy-makers.
Chris is currently nurturing a home grown PV community media centre in Inanda township run by an enthusiastic local team of volunteers. At the same time, he is developing InsightShare's youth strategy focussing especially on the role of sport for change and developing a network of social-enterprise media hubs in some of the world's most disenfranchised townships and cities across Africa and in Lambeth, London. Youth in these areas are learning how to use video and other media tools to focus on stories of change, issues of concern, develop skills, earn an income and affect positive social change.