Laurence Ivil
Not Just Celsius (UK/DE)
Laurence Ivil is a creative director, cross-platform journalist & media strategist; he is currently the Content Director of the “Not Just Celsius” media campaign - a project which focuses on the intersection of storytelling, climate change and human rights law. Not Just Celsuis is a project of the Interactive Media Foundation GmbH.
Experienced in participatory storytelling and ethical co-design practices, Laurence’s award-winning work ranges from co-creating “Dementia Diaries” - an audio-storytelling initiative in the UK, to co-creating “Motherhood in Crisis” - a mobile-first graphic novel about the maternal health crisis in Sierra Leone. As a journalist Laurence has typically focussed on health crises, climate change and technological innovation across Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. His contributions have featured widely: online (the Guardian, Le Parisien, Al Jazeera English) in print (Der Spiegel, Tagesspiegel), on the radio (BBC WorldService), and on television (BBC World News TV & Channel 4 News). Laurence is a recipient of the FASPE journalism fellowship (Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics).
Laurence holds a BA in History from the University of Exeter (UK) with a year studying International Relations at Sabancı University, Istanbul (Turkey). He also holds an MA in Global Digital Cultures from SOAS University of London (UK).