"Burning Voices" is a feature-length documentary - developed at ESoDoc by Finnish director Pirjo Ojala - about how to find identity after becoming a victim of acid violence.
The team has just launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, raising funds for the first filming period in Pakistan in autumn 2017.
The film tells the stories of Deus, Karli, Mehwish - a man, a woman, a trans woman from Uganda, USA and Pakistan. Their lives are different but they have one thing in common. They have all been victims of acid violence. At that moment, life as they knew it was over.
"Burning Voices" combines dance, interviews, abstract images and images of everyday life into a multilayered film, exploring and contemplating the complexity of surviving violence and building an identity.
Support this important project at https://igg.me/at/burningvoices/x