Cross Video Days Award @ESoDoc 2016: "One Roof 4GENerations Women"

Cross Video Days event is the Leading European Market for Digital-First Content, one of the best place to capture market trends and discover the very finest of the International digital creation whatever the genre: fiction, documentary, animation, etc. 

The Cross Video Days Award at ESoDoc 2016 has been assigned to "One Roof 4GENerations Women" by Paula Onet. The prize includes free accreditation and direct access to the pitch which will take place during Cross Video Days 2017.


"One Roof 4GENerations Women" by Paula Onet

This project is a visual document of the oral cultural transmission between 4 generations of women living under one roof, in different countries and cultures around the world.

Production info:
Genre: transmedia documentary: documentary series, web-documentary, art installation
Produced by PELIN films (Romania) and ANTROPODOCS & FILMS (Spain)