I studied Rhetorics & Documentary Film at the University Institute of Walter Jens in Tübingen (1986-90) and was trained as a professional journalist at a left-wing German newspaper (1990-92). Worked as a freelance print journalist on social issues in Germany, Guatemala etc. and other countries until 1995. After being trained at a Public Broadcasting Company (SWR = part of the ARD) I was working for various German Public Broadcasting TV Companies (SWR, WDR, NDR etc.) and for Arte. From 2000-2007 I was with the SWR a) as SWR- Comissioning Editor for talk shows on social and psychological issues for 5 years and b) produced ca 25 documentaries and reportages (30-60 mins) for them: portraits of unknown people including a discussion of a current social problems; documentaries (ethnological and other issues) in East Africa (Tanzania and Kenya) and Guatemala. 2007 - 2008 I was employed as Nonfictional Producer of BREMEDIA. Part of my filmmaking has always been: bringing back the films to my protagonists in original language. 2. Produce & spread DVD-editions with my films & additional material to support the protagonists social aims (work of NGOs like AMREF; fight for Landright Issues of the Hadza Hunters in Tanzania; etc.)