Bear with me

genovski bear with me


Logline: Maxi Nidermaier (79) has built a noticeable artistic career which spans over 60 years. The ban of animals in the circus terminates her work. Currently, she is sheltered in a Dutch zoopark, in the parking area with her favourite bear, Natasha (42). Maxi can only stay there until the bear is alive. 


Synopsis: A woman and a bear, two beings who grow old together and cannot live without each other. The circus trainer of predators, the German Maxi Niedermayer /79/, built a remarkable artistic career, which lasted 60 years. She travelled all over the world, working in Bulgarian circuses for a quarter of a century. The ban on training animals in the circus put an end to her profession. Now, at the end of her life, she is sheltered in a zoo near Amsterdam with one of her pets - 42-year-old brown bear Natasha. Yet, there is a condition - Maxi can stay there only while Natasha is alive. The two former artists are still inseparable today, however not in the circus arena, but in the circus of life.


Participant: Martin Genovski